What do students say about us?
We have hundreds of detailed reviews from students who've travelled with us. We strongly believe in our service and the experiences it provides, and our student reviews validate this.
Below, you can read snippets about students' clinical experiences, or click here to browse all reviews.
Georgia Foley - Medical student at James Cook University
"In Takoradi, accident and emergency was much smaller, but busier than I have experienced in my home country. There were significantly more patients per doctor and many of the resources we take for granted in Australia were unavailable, meaning clinical knowledge and examination was favoured in diagnosis over extensive laboratory testing and scans.
A major difference I noticed while in Takoradi was the requirement for patients to pay for any resources that were used such as cannulas, catheters and oxygen. Consequently, patients typically presented late in the course of illness due to significant costs associated with healthcare and hospitalisation, and patient’s who were uninsured and could not afford the medical care would not be treated."

Lauren Filmer - Midwifery Student at the University of Canberra
The practices surrounding birthing were quite different to those we see in Australia. Women laboured out on the balcony with their families and came in to an assessment room every few hours to see how much further they had dilated.
If they were ready to start pushing, they were moved to the birthing rooms. The women were so strong — they didn’t have access to pain relief like we do in Australia.
Women’s partners were not present for the birth, but afterwards, the care of the baby went to the family until the woman was ready to be transferred to the postnatal ward."

Rachel Ch'ng, Nursing Student, University of Melbourne
"The hospital was always crowded and there was a lack of resources, evidenced in part by the fact that multiple patients shared beds, and only a few rooms had the luxury of air-conditioners to relieve the heat.
Unlike in Australia, patients were more dependent on their families for assistance with things like meals, showers, and mobility. If you choose to undertake your placement in Vietnam, you’ll be awed by the adaptability, perseverance, and hard-work of hospital staff, patients, and their families."